Mahmoud KhodorMahmoud Khodor Building the startup ecosystem in MENA 🚀

90 minutes a week to be a better product manager

It is free.

No need for a course or a certificate.

No experience is needed.

I keep receiving the same questions from product managers about the best courses, books, and certificates to be a product manager. Don’t get me wrong, courses and books have their place, but they are passive.

You need to get those reps in, but how?

Set aside 90 min weekly to engage in the following exercise, and for our example, let’s select Spotify as the company to focus on.

You have to WRITE things down, I could not stress this enough.

Session 1: Understanding Spotify’s Essence ( 30 min)

1. Product Overview

  1. What is Spotify’s primary purpose?
  2. What problem does it aim to solve for its users?
  3. How does it define its mission and vision?

  • Objective: Grasp Spotify’s core mission and service.
  • Task: Review Spotify’s ‘About Us’ or ‘Company Info’ on their official website. Understand its vision, mission, and the problem it aims to solve in the music streaming industry.

2. User Personas

  1. Who are the primary users of Spotify?
  2. What are the motivations and behaviors of each persona?
  3. How does Spotify cater to the varied needs of these personas?

  • Objective: Visualize Spotify’s primary and secondary users.
  • Task: Think about the varied users of Spotify: Casual listeners, Avid music enthusiasts, Podcast Fans Independent artists. Try to envision their behaviors and motivations.

3. Features & Functionality

  1. What are the core features of Spotify?
  2. How are these features organized and presented to users?
  3. Which features are most prominent and why?

  • Objective: Begin to explore Spotify’s core offerings.
  • Task: Navigate the Spotify app or website. Start listing down its main features like Discover Weekly, playlists, podcasts, and Spotify Originals.

Session 2: Monetization, User Experience, and Features ( 30 Min)

1. Features & Functionality (Continued)

  1. What unique features distinguish Spotify from its competitors?
  2. How does Spotify enhance user engagement through its features?
  3. Are there any features that seem less integrated or under-utilized?

  • Objective: Dive deeper into Spotify’s unique offerings.
  • Task: Explore features like Wrapped, collaborative playlists, and artist profiles. How do they distinguish Spotify from its competitors?

2. Monetization

  1. How does Spotify generate revenue?
  2. What is the user experience difference between free and premium models?
  3. How are ads integrated into the free user experience?

  • Objective: Understand how Spotify earns its revenue.
  • Task: Experience the app as a free user. Take note of ad placements, frequency, and types. Then, explore the Premium model, its pricing tiers, and its benefits.

3. User Experience (UX) & User Interface (UI)

  1. How would you describe the overall design aesthetic of Spotify?
  2. Is the navigation intuitive and user-friendly?
  3. Are there any friction points or obstacles in the user journey?

  • Objective: Experience Spotify’s design and flow.
  • Task: Randomly select a few music or podcast genres and navigate through the process of discovery. Pay attention to the layout, ease of search, and overall design appeal.

Session 3: Technology, Market Position, and Reflection ( 30 Min)

1. Technology & Integration

  1. Technology & Integration What technologies power Spotify’s service?
  2. How does Spotify ensure seamless music streaming for its users?
  3. How has Spotify integrated with other devices and platforms?

  • Objective: Delve into Spotify’s tech foundation and integrations.
  • Task: Research online about Spotify’s tech stack. Discover how Spotify Connect integrates with various devices, from smart speakers to smartwatches.

2. Competitive Analysis

  1. Who are Spotify’s main competitors?
  2. In what areas does Spotify outperform its competitors, and where does it lag?
  3. Are there features or services offered by competitors that Spotify doesn’t have?

  • Objective: Measure Spotify against its rivals.
  • Task: Spend some time on a competitor platform, like Apple Music or Deezer. Compare feature sets, user experience, and pricing models with Spotify.

3. Conclusion & Insights

  1. What are Spotify’s major strengths?
  2. Where are the potential areas of improvement or growth?
  3. Based on this analysis, what strategic recommendations would you offer to Spotify?

  • Objective: Consolidate your understanding and observations.
  • Task: Reflect on the sessions and identify what makes Spotify a market leader. Are there areas of potential improvement? If you were a product manager at Spotify, what would you focus on next?

Now I have to admit, it will take you more than 90 min the first few times, but it will get easier and it will build your product thinking.

10x this exercise by presenting the output to a friend.

Reach me on Twitter for feedback @khodormahmoud

Mahmoud on Linkedin
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